Festival Cooking Continues – Thank You to All of Our Volunteers!

Hi Everybody!  Chist is Risen!
There will be cooking for our Festival next week on Tuesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 28.  Cooking will begin at 9:00 AM on both days and go into the afternoon.  Remember, many hands make for light work and our festival is a team effort that makes our year round ministries and programs possible.  You don’t need any experience or expertise to help, just a willing heart and some time.  You can give both days, one day, half a day, or even an hour or two.  All help is welcome, needed, and appreciated.
We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has come to cook so far!  We have had quite a few new volunteers this year, and a good turn out!  We are so grateful, and understand your offering of time and talent as a gift to God’s Church.  Let’s keep up the good work, and invite all of our family and friends to join in the effort.
God bless and be well!