GOYA Bread and More Soup Kitchen

On Sunday, January 22nd, we will prepare a meal after Church in the Church kitchen. All GOYA members are asked to help in the kitchen. We will make something (probably lasagna) that can be totally prepared and ready to go in the oven on the following day. We will be in the kitchen on Sunday the 22nd for a couple of hours after the Divine Liturgy. If anyone would like to do some shopping and donate ingredients, please let me know and I am happy to delegate some of the shopping. George Gounelas, Philip Scaglione, and I will also be cooking with the GOYA members that day.

On Monday, January 23rd, we will need at least 4 and as many as 8 GOYA members to meet at the Soup Kitchen in Riverhead to set up the cafeteria, cook and plate the meal, serve the meal, and clean up when we are done. We will need to arrive a the Soup Kitchen by 4:30, and plan to be there until around 7:30 or 8:00. Afterwards, if the GOYA members who volunteer want to, we will go out for Pizza.
