Ways to Give

There are several ways you can give to our Community. Here are a few….

Stewardship, A Gift of Gratitude to God

Your stewardship is a tangible expression of heartfelt gratitude to God, it is critical to the ministries of our Church Family, and it is greatly appreciated. Consider that our very existence, all that we have, all that we are, are gifts from God. We are called to be co-workers with God in the ministry of His Church. Financial stewardship is a primary way of offering thanks to God, and of sharing in the work of His ministry. Your stewardship gift supports Worship, pastoral care for all of our members, educational and fellowship programs for our youth; seniors; and whole Church Family, philanthropic outreach to the broader community and so much more.

It costs approximately $2,400 per day to offer all of the ministries of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church. Please consider sponsoring a day or more as your stewardship gift. Your gift can be made in quarterly or monthly installments.

We thank you for sharing in the ministry of the Church!

1Sponsorship Options
  • A gift of $2,400 dollars (that's $6.57 per day) sponsors one day of ministry.
  • Price: $2,400.00
Sponsors will be acknowledged throughout the year on our website, in the Church Bulletin, and in communications relevant to Stewardship. I understand that my stewardship commitment will automatically renew annually until I contact the Church office to revise or cancel my commitment. To adust or cancel your commitment, contract the Church office at info@kimisishamptons.org or 631 283 6169.

About Our Stewardship Program

• A gift of $2400* sponsors a day of ministry

• Day Sponsors may sponsor one or multiple days** of ministry

• Your stewardship gift can be made on-line at the Church 

    website, by completing a hardcopy pledge card and returning it to  

    the Church, or by contacting the Church office 

• Your stewardship can be given all at once, or in monthly, quarterly,   

    or semi-annual installments.

• Stewardship gifts made with a credit or debit card online or     

   through the Church office can be set up as auto-recurring, allowing    

   for consistent and ongoing support of our ministries.

• An auto-recurring stewardship gift can be modified or cancelled by 

   contacting the Church office at any time.

• To make your stewardship gift on-line, scan the QR code below or   

   visit www.dormitionhamptons.org/membership.ways-to-give.  

   Select, “Become a Steward” and follow the prompts.

• We are deeply grateful for your support! 


*After 5 years, the Parish Council has reluctantly increased the Day Sponsorship rate due to inflation and other economic factors affecting our operating costs.

**$2,400 sponsors one day.  Multi-Day sponsors may multiply this number by the number of days they wish to sponsor.