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    Submit the names of the Fathers you would like commemorated in the Divine Liturgy and in our special Father's Day Memorial Service on June 21st. We will offer prayers in the Liturgy for the health and well being the mothers who care for us, and we will also remember those of blessed memory in our special memorial service.
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    On this Day of Remembrance, we offer grateful prayers for all of our service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the advancement of freedom and defense of our nation, for those veterans who repose peacefully after years of service, and all who have served our great nation. During this difficult period of the corona virus pandemic, we also remember all who have lost lives to covid-19. May their memory be eternal
    Have your loved one commemorated in the Christmas Eve Divine Liturgy. Names submitted here will be commemorated in the proskimidi and at the consecration of Christmas Eve
    When we enter the Church, we light candles as a reminder that Christ is the Light of the World. We often light candles as an act of prayer for loved ones, both living and of blessed memory. When you can’t come to Church physically, you can still request that we light candles for you and your loved ones. Click here and send the names of those for whom you would like us to light candles.
    At each Divine Liturgy, the priest commemorated the Living and Dead as he prepares the Bread and Wine to consecrated as the Body and Blood. You may submit names below to have prayers offered for loved ones. Names submitted here will be commemorated in the next schedule Divine Liturgy.
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    Four Saturdays of the year are set aside for special remembrance of our departed brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.Kolyva is prepared and offered in Church, as the names of the deceased are read in the memorial service at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. These special services are conducted on the Saturday before Meat Fare, the Saturday before Cheese Fare, and the first Saturday in Great Lent, while the final Saturday of the Souls is on the Saturday before Pentecost. A $10 donation is requested for a small plate. Donations can be submitted to the Church Office.
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    Have your loved ones commemorated in the Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection. Submit names below, and make your donation by clicking the donate now button or by submitting your donation to the Church office.
    Artoklasia is a prayer service of thanksgiving and intercession of the health and well being of the living. In the service, loaves of sweet bread, along with oil and wine are blessed. To have your loved ones commemorated on our Feast Day, August 15, submit your names below and make a $50 donation to cover the cost of the five loaves of bread. Your donation can be made by clicking the donate now button, or by submitting it to the Church office.
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