PTO Meeting, Nomination and Election of New Officers, June 7

This Sunday, June 7, 2015, immediately after the Divine Liturgy, a PTO meeting will be held in the library. Our PTO supports the educational programs for the youth of our parish by organizing events, coordinating volunteers, and raising funds for our Language and Culture Institute, our Sunday School students, and our youth ministry, working closely with our HOPE, JOY, and GOYA ministries. Any and all members of our Church with children in our educational programs and/or youth ministries are encouraged to join the PTO and attend this meeting.

After several years of admirable service and leadership, our current PTO president, Liza Soulopoulos, and our PTO vice president, Cathy Hatgistavrou will complete their final year as PTO president and vice president. We thank them for their love of our Church and its children, and for their years of hard work and service. Nominations will be made and an election held at this Sunday’s meeting for officers of the PTO.

Please attend the meeting and help with the planning and execution of our educational and youth ministry programs.